Rebecca Flynn

Veterinary Surgeon

Rebecca Flynn  - Veterinary Surgeon
Rebecca Flynn BVSc MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon

Having grown up on a farm in Zambia and been homeschooled until the age of 13 in a classroom filled with more creatures than children, becoming a vet was an obvious choice!

Rebecca attended boarding school in Norfolk, and later graduated from Bristol University in 2009. After graduating Rebecca returned to Zambia and worked as a locum for a short period of time, treating everything from zebras to tortoises. She then worked in both private veterinary practice and veterinary charities in the South of England, seeing a wide variety of species (snow leopards, aardvarks, kangaroos to name but a few!) as well as being involved in some severe welfare cases. Rebecca started at Glaven in October 2020 and has really enjoyed getting to know some of the lovely animals in the area.

A keen competitive runner, Rebecca regularly runs half-marathons, in aid of various animal charities.

In her spare time, Rebecca loves painting as well as gardening, yoga and anything fitness related!